A Servant Heart
We watched a remake of the musical, the "King and I," the other day. In this, Anna the governess, was told that she must always keep her head lower than the king's. It was just one of the ways he used to remind his subjects, that they were his servants. As king, he had to remain and be seen as 'top dog!'
This is just the opposite to how it is in God's Kingdom, where Jesus comes right down to our level as a Servant King!
At a low time in my life, when I was in great need and desperately reaching out to God for help, I suddenly became aware - and I can put it no other way - that Jesus was kneeling at my feet, looking up to me. Immediately, I felt Him ask, "What can I do for you?" This just stunned me and touched me to the core of my being! This was my God, kneeling at my feet, desiring to meet my needs.
I have always felt that I am somewhat lacking in a servant heart. But what I am learning, is that as we humble ourselves and allow Jesus to wash away the dirt in our lives; when we allow Him to minister to our deepest needs, something happens at the heart level. Our compassion and capacity to be available to God for others is increased and we are given something more than words, to pass on.
Jesus identifies with where we are, stoops down and waits for our response.
"After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples' feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him. - - "Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet." John 13:5-14 New International Version
Amen the troubles and pains we go through as well as the temptations we face Jesus faced and went through them. We must believe in our hearts that He made it through and so shall we. We must lean, trust, depend and believe in Jesus Christ! Amen my friend.
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