A Christian’s heavenly journey with his feet on the ground. Treasures shared that are discovered along the way.
Please note that this blog has now moved to: "Senior Eagle walking with Father"

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Fling Wide the Gates!

I feel that this can apply to anyone, young or old, believer or not, newly-awakened or 'mature:'

Call out to Him
from the very depths of your being
Call out as never before
Turn from the old ways
Let go of the old
and yield to Him, surrender
He is waiting for your response
He is knocking on your door
He's on your side, He's for you
He really really is
Who is this we are talking about?
God, who is all-powerful, all-loving
He sees all and knows all
but bends right down to hear your prayer
there is no other god anywhere like Him
Open up your heart to Him
and He will come running inside
Stop striving and let go
Let Him take the strain
and watch what He will do
He's won your battle
He's all you need

"Fling wide the gates, open the ancient doors, and the great king will come in. Who is this great king? He is the LORD, strong and mighty, the LORD, victorious in battle. Fling wide the gates, open the ancient doors, and the great king will come in. Who is this great king? The triumphant LORD ---he is the great king!" Psalm 24:7-10 Good News Bible


  1. IJ Hanna Lucky said...

    He is all I Need!!!
    what a lovely post

    Godbless you

  2. wayfarerjon said...

    Thanks for your comments. I like your blog and have added a link on mine.