God Before Everything
For a few years I had the privilege of helping out on the team of counsellors at a Christian retreat centre. It was situated in a large country mansion surrounded by green fields and woodland. The ideal environment to get away from the pressures of daily life and relax in the presence of God. Every need was catered for and there were those of us on hand to listen and pray with the guests.
Very often, guests would arrive bringing with them their specific problems, whether work, financial or family-related. They were looking for answers and even hoping these would be put right. However, time and time again, as they opened themselves to the Holy Spirit, as they realised what was really important to them, Jesus met with them at their real point of need. By the end of the week their relationship with God had deepened. All the problems may not have been solved, but they had a confidence that they were in God's hands. They left for home with a greater sense of freedom.
As we seek to put God first in our lives and look to Him, everything else falls into place. The things we think important and loom large in our lives begin to shrink. As we open all the areas of our life to God, we get into the flow of His provision and supply.
Sometimes we get out of balance and need to get away to see things from God's perspective.
Seek ye first the kingdom of God
And His righteousness,
And all these things shall be added unto you
Hellelu, hallelujah!
Songs of Fellowship 493
"But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well." Luke 12:31 New International Version
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