A Christian’s heavenly journey with his feet on the ground. Treasures shared that are discovered along the way.
Please note that this blog has now moved to: "Senior Eagle walking with Father"

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

How Low Do We Have to Get ..?

We were once very concerned for someone we had met and felt that she could be heading for a breakdown. I mentioned this to a counsellor who said, “Perhaps she needs the breakdown?” I took this to mean that she had to get really low before she would look at what was really happening for her.

I knew someone once, who always felt that he had never really ‘made it’ to be a Christian. He felt he didn’t measure up to other Christians he knew, which was a barrier to him receiving the assurance that God loved him just as he was. In a way he was in denial to what was happening within himself. Then one day he was rushed to hospital in an emergency. When I visited him it seemed that he was failing. I sensed the urgency and tried to talk with him and asked if he would like me to pray. He declined, possibly because he didn’t want to face what could be the truth. I wondered if my words had been stumbling and insensitive, but prayed inwardly nevertheless. Two days later and he passed away.

The Gospels are full of accounts where Jesus met people at their point of need. This is how I became a Christian and I also believe this is how we move forward in our Christian walk. We may be ‘born again’ or ‘saved’ or however we like to describe that heart knowledge of belonging to God, but are we moving on with him? Are we letting Him into those ‘hidden’ areas of our lives? Are we aware of our need for Him, or are we blissfully unaware of our deep ‘wounds’ or the ungodly behaviour patterns that have become second nature.

There is at least one occasion in my life, where I almost hit rock bottom, before God really had my full attention, but I’m sure it didn’t have to be that way. How low do we have to get before we respond to His open arms?

"You're blessed when you're at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule.” Matthew 5:3 The Message Bible

"Happy are those who know they are spiritually poor; the Kingdom of heaven belongs to them!” Matthew 5:3 Good News Bible


  1. Kevin said...

    Another excellent post! Sometimes God has to take drastic measures to get our attention! For me, it was a medical leave that left me wondering what was up and what was down. As I look back in hindsight it was exactly what I needed.

  2. Anonymous said...

    I know there were many times in my life where I got down so low that I did not see a single way out. But GOD reached out when I cried out to Him and lifted me up. What an awesome and loving God we serve! It is during these low points in our lives that we truly find the Lord.

    Blessings and much love to you my friend!

  3. Sherri Watt said...

    Unfortunately we are stiff necked sometimes and we have to get pretty low before we turn our head towards God like we need to. I have been there.

    God Bless!

  4. jeanne kristine said...

    oh, it now happens in my life. I feel that God doesn't care, doesn't hear my prayer, and He seems so far, away from me. Please pray for me like what you ever did to the man you wrote on your post. I desperately need help. Seriously. Thanks for the encouraging post!

  5. wayfarerjon said...

    I know what you mean. God is so close that you could feel His breath on your cheek, but you don't, but He is. Please know that I am praying for you.

  6. Greg said...

    We cannot serve two masters. As such, Jesus wants our whole heart and devotion, not just a part. To get to that point, He sometimes has to humble us to the point of breaking. He who falls on the Rock will be broken, but he on whom the Rock falls, will be crushed to powder. Which will it be?

    That was a sad story about your friend.