No Other God Like This
We are called to be tolerant, compassionate and respectful of those who think differently to us. This is especially true of those who follow another faith. It does not mean however, that we should compromise our fundamental beliefs as Christians.
Sitting quietly this morning, as the sun was rising, I was taken up with thoughts of such a wonderful God we have. There is no other god like Him.
We don't have to go looking for Him, because He actually comes looking for us, as if we were the only person in the whole world. He pursues us as a lover. There is no other god like that.
Even though we are constantly making a mess of things He still accepts us as we are. He so loves us, that He even made Himself as nothing, so that we can be one of His family for ever and ever.
Although He is so powerful and mighty, He bends right down to our level and listens to our heart whispers. There is no other god like this.
There is so much, very much more ....
How do I know this? The Bible tells me so and I have tasted and He is good! I love Him and He loves me more than I can imagine. There is no other god like that.
What can our response be to such love but to abandon ourselves to Him?
"To whom will you compare me?" says the LORD. "Is there anyone else like me? Isaiah 46:5 Good News Bible
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